MAY 18, 2006


7:00 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present:  Paula Keefe, Ellen Abelson, Richie

                  Gorden and Mark Mazur


1.  Ellen Abelson was unanimously chosen as Chairman of the Board of Assessors for the

     coming year.


2.  The Board reviewed two letters from the State Department of Revenue granting our

     requests for state permission to abate the unpaid taxes on several properties under

     the authority of M.G.L. Chapter 58 Section 8.


3.  The Board granted abatements on the following parcels under the authority of

     M.G.L. Chapter 58 Section 8


            Fiscal year(s)                Parcel #

            2000 – 2001                49-9

            1995 – 1998                29-8

            1986 – 2003                28-2

            2001                            131-1-6

            1998 – 2001                84-114

            1997                            101-191

            1999 – 2002                101-192


4.  The Board denied applications for abatement of a motor vehicle excise by residents

     at the following addresses:

                                                15 Richards Ave

                                                3 Glenview Rd.


5. The Board reviewed but did not act upon an application for exemption.


8:10 P.M.  Adjourned